Discover Villa Dionysus, a luxurious retreat in Gradina perfect for up to 12 guests. Enjoy a spacious guest house, a stunning two-floor main villa, and a large pool—all just 20 meters from the beach. Experience ultimate relaxation and comfort in this idyllic getaway.
The nearest seafood restaurant is just 200 meters from the villa, and within 4 km, you’ll find the renowned fisherman Gulin tavern, celebrated for its authentic Dalmatian ambiance and fresh fish. For markets, shops, cafes (we highly recommend Ingleso Cafe for its cozy sofas, excellent coffee, and free Wi-Fi), and bakeries, head to Vela Luka, 4 km away, where you’ll find a full range of amenities, including a health center, marina, gas station, and more. The villa owner, who maintains the garden and pool, can also provide you with fresh seafood.
The area around the villa is serene, surrounded by olive groves and scenic walking paths. From Vela Luka, you can take excursions to the islet of Proizd, just a 25-minute boat ride away. This islet boasts stunning pebbly beaches ideal for a relaxing day.
Korcula, known for its lush greenery and diverse landscape, offers a wealth of natural and architectural wonders. Be sure to explore the charming town of Korcula (45 driving minutes away from the Villa), sunbathe at Pupnatska Luka, and enjoy a meal at the eco-tavern in Lumbarda.
22.07. - 20.08.2024 650,00 € per day
20.08. - 01.09.2024 590,00 € per day
01.09. - 15.09.2024 500,00 € per day
15.09. - 01.10.2024 450,00 € per day
Villas, apartments and boutique hotels on this web page are chosen for exceptional people, those who seek the finer things in life, delight in a breathtaking ambieace and appreciate the hosts' genuine care and thoughtfulness.
If you are tired of mass tourism and are looking for something inspiring and authentic, then you have come to the right place. We take care of your needs as if they were our own. Because here details do matter.
Villa Dionysus is a luxurious Dalmatian villa nestled in the charming village of Gradina only 10 driving minutes from Vela Luka on Korcula Island.
This stunning property, far from the hustle and bustle of mass tourism, comfortably accommodates up to 12 guests, making it the perfect retreat for families or groups seeking tranquility and luxury.
Villa Dionysus boasts both a guest house and a main villa, spread over two spacious floors. On the ground floor, you'll find a fully equipped kitchen with a dining area, a bathroom, a cozy bedroom with a double bed, and a terrace adorned with elegant garden furniture. Ascend a few steps to a mezzanine where a luxurious living room awaits, complete with an LCD TV and a romantic fireplace.
The first floor features four beautifully appointed bedrooms, each with a double bed, a private bathroom, and access to a balcony offering stunning sea views. Imagine enjoying your morning coffee on this balcony, surrounded by comfortable garden furniture and breathtaking scenery.
Adjacent to the main house is a well-equipped guest house. This delightful space includes a living room with a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, and a balcony that offers a breathtaking view of the sea.
The villa is surrounded by lush Mediterranean vegetation, with a charming path through a mini olive grove leading to a pebbly-rocky beach just 20 meters away.
And that's not all! Villa Dionysus also features a large saltwater pool, cleaned using a patented system from South Africa that eliminates the need for chlorine. For those cooler days, the pool is equipped with solar heating.
Indulge in the luxury and tranquility of Villa Dionysus—where every detail is designed for your ultimate comfort and relaxation.
Vse te lepe apartmaje in vile ob morju smo osebno doživeli, tam prespali in spoznali lastnike - ter se zaljubili v te lokacije! Zato ponudbe ni veliko, ker morajo apartmaji, četudi so na vrhunski lokaciji tik ob morju, izpolnjevati stroge kriterije. Vključitev v naš izbor lastniki vil ne morejo kupiti. Ker jih tako dobro poznamo, vam lahko iz prve roke podajamo naše osebne izkušnje, kar zmanjšuje možnost, da boste ob prihodu razočarani, na minimum.
Cel čas letovanja smo za vas dosegljivi na dežurni mobilni telefonski številki. Ko zgrešite trajekt, potrebujete zdravnika ali samo informacijo, kje se v Korčuli dobro je, smo za vas dosegljivi in vam vedno pomagamo, tudi ob vikendih ali večernih urah. Za nas niste samo številka. Zavestno smo se odločili, da ostanemo "majhni" in butični, zato da se lahko posvetimo izjemnemu odnosu do stranke.
Naši standardi za izbor hišk so zelo visoki. čez 95% vsega, kar se ponuja kot aartmaji na Hrvaškem, nas ne zanima. Od ostalih 5%, ki se jih odločimo obiskati, jih pa čez 70% pade na testu, ko jih obiščemo (čistoča, lastniki brez pravega odnosa, slaba kanalizacija, slabo vzdrževanje sicer lepega objekta, itd....). Nekatere slike so tako zavajujoče, da ob prihodu tja niti ne prespimo! Zato je to, kar tukaj ponujamo, res crème de la crème od namestitve na Jadranu.
Poleg apartmajev z dušo in vil z bazenom vam organiziramo najem čolna, privez za čoln v mestu letovanja, prevoz iz letališča do vile, podamo napotke o tem, katera konoba je najboljša v mestu ter kje je najbližji pediater ali veterinar. Prav tako vam svetujemo glede voznega reda trajektov in vam podamo priporočilo, kateri let morate rezervirati, da še ujamete zadnji trajekt na otok. Na Hrvaškem preživimo vsaj 4-5 mesecev vsako leto, zato vemo, kaj govorimo.
Naši napotki niso standardne turistične floskule. Skoraj vsaka informacija se začne s stavkom: "Ko sem bila jaz tam...". Kar vam povemo, 100% drži. Sovražimo olepševanja in zavajanja. Če vam je neznansko všeč nek apartma tik ob morju s skalnato plažo, imate pa majhnega otroka, vam bomo takoj povedali, da ta apartma ni najboljša izbira za družino s tako majhnim otročkom.
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