Kartka navodila za uporaba žara Weber v apartmajih Bol in Sonce (Lumbarda na Korčuli).
1. Za prižig ognja uporabite dimnik, ki ga napolnite z briketi (gorijo bolje in dlje) ali z ogljem. Ne uporabljajte lesa.
2. Umaknite veliko rešetko in postavite napolnjen dimnik na manjšo rešetko. Prižgite kocko da spodbudite ogenj (ena je dovolj), ter jo postavite na manjšo rešetko. Na to kocko nato stresite vsebino dimnika. Pustite da gori vsaj 15-20 minut, da se briketi obravajo sivo na obeh straneh.
3. Dajte brikete na manjšo rešetko in jih razporedite enakomerno po vsej površini (z uporabo orodja), postavite veliko rešeto na njegovo mesto in žar pokrite s pokrovom.
4. Odprite zgornji in spodnji zračnik, ter spodnjega ne zapirajte med pečenjem. Pustite 10 minut, da se žar segreje.
5. Začnite peči meso in ne odpirajte pokrova prepogosto. Če se plamen med pečenjem mesa vname, samo zaprite pokrov žara in ogenj bo ugasnil.
6. Notranjo temperaturo reulirajte z zgornjim zračnikom. Za pečenje rib priporočamo, da zračnike na pol zaprete (pozor - vsi kovinski deli so zelo vroči, zato uporabljate zaščito).
7. Meso bo pečeno hitreje, zaradi pokritega sistema. Dovolj je, če meso med pečenjem obrnete le enkrat. Hitro boste dobili občutek za peko.
8. Ko boste končali s peko, zaprite oba zračnika in ogenj bo samodejno ugasnil v nekaj minutah. Poskusite očistiti še vroč žar, da bo pripravljen za naslednjega ljubitelja žara. Prepričani smo, da vam bo več kot hvaležen.
We have personally visited, tested and fallen in love with each of our house. Inclusion to our selection can’t be bought. At least one member of our team spent a few nights in all our villas, so we know every owner by its first name as well as the name of their children.
Our standards are very high. Over 70% of personally tested properties fail to make it into our selection!
We make you feel special: To us, you are not a number. We have deliberately decided to stay
“small” and boutique, to avoid mass tourism and rather concentrate on excellent customer
Who will organize not only your holiday home and desired period, but also arrange for the boat rental, transfer, give you information of where the best restaurant in the city is, where the first hospital is and how to reach an island in combination with specific flight details.
What we tell you is 100% true. We hate making things look better. If you have small children and you want to make a reservation for a villa that has rocky beach in front of it, we will tell you that it is not ideal for the toddlers.
You are safe: We are always with you - before your holiday and during your journey and vacation you can reach us on a mobile number 24/7.
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